Walking the Path of Ease

a Five Day Retreat in

Albir, Spain


Ian Watson

Sept 13th - 17th 2024

Following the magical experience we enjoyed together at my retreat in September 2023, I am delighted to be returning to Albir once again to host a second retreat in 2024. As before, all the logistics & bookings will be taken care of by Sheela Masand, and you can find the details by clicking the button below


As you come into alignment with your own true nature, there is a recognisable energetic shift that occurs which brings peace of mind and a corresponding release of tension in your body. You feel more relaxed, present and content with the way things are, trusting that everything is unfolding exactly as it should. In touch with your innate wellbeing, you are more open and receptive to the subtle guidance of your own inner wisdom and your capacity for self-healing on every level is greatly enhanced. 

To the degree that you continue to let go of internal resistance and allow yourself to be carried by the intelligent life force energy itself, you discover that struggle and stress and pressuring yourself can give way to a much more easeful, relaxed and enjoyable way of life. Everything that needs to get done still gets done, minus the stress. And anything that was being done from an idea of ’should’ or ‘ought to’ or ‘have to’ begins to fall away, because it is seen to be unnecessary and untrue. 

The time and energy that gets reclaimed as a consequence of being more aligned with your naturally unfolding life path becomes available for your healing and your expansion into new and greater forms of self-expression. You get to play and create, to be of service and bring your gifts out into the world in ways that are joyful and inspiring to yourself and others. You get to do those things you’ve been putting off for years because you were ’too busy’, ‘didn’t have the time’ or ‘weren’t ready’. 

Life, in turn, responds to you in ways that are seemingly magical and beyond what you can currently imagine. New opportunities appear, the perfect people begin to show up to help and support you and synchronicities abound as if to confirm that there are indeed invisible forces orchestrating things on your behalf at all times.

In our time together we will explore how we can uncover the path of ease at any moment, no matter what we may be up against in life and regardless of how long we may have been struggling. As Sydney Banks liked to remind us, we are only ever one thought away……. 

We will also spend some time walking with ease out in nature along the seafront and on the nearby hillside trails.