Follow The Thread

When I look back at more than thirty years of following my interest through the fields of natural healing, psychology and spirituality, I can see now that the connecting thread linking everything I have studied and practised is this: the transformation of human consciousness. Ultimately, this has always been and still remains as the driving purpose and passion in my life. 

It became clear to me that our state of consciousness is primary and our life experience is secondary, and that this is equally true on both an individual and a collective level. Einstein's insightful observation that ‘no problem can be solved at the same level of consciousness that created it’ spoke very deeply to me. He seemed to be saying what I already knew to be true - that behind all the complexities of life there was a simple, consistent truth that had the power to transform any problem - and all it took was a shift in consciousness to a different level. 

Now I'm fully aware that when you're entangled in some difficulty and can't see the wood for the trees, it seems inconceivable that viewing the same situation from a different place within yourself could make much of a difference - until it does! And when it does, and you move forward feeling relieved and unburdened, resolving not to take life so seriously in future...... somewhere along the way, you get caught in the illusion once again. The illusion being that the problem is 'out there' in the world somewhere, and there ought to be a solution 'out there' as well, if only we could find it.

For me, gaining an appreciation of the Three Principles uncovered by the late Sydney Banks has brought me full circle back to where I started all those years ago. What I knew to be true then I know with greater certainty than ever - a shift in consciousness is truly all it takes to transform a human life and, in so doing, to change the world. Better still, these principles reveal the elegant simplicity behind life, making available to everyone a possibility of change that at one time seemed elusive and accessible only to a select few.  


Going With the Flow


The Infinite Capacity to Create